VI: Audio

Howler vs Three.js Audio

Note: Default Cube does not support Three.PositionalAudio or Howler equivalent.

Three.js Audio, while an amazing API, does cause issues on specific Android devices after switching audio contexts. To prevent that, Default Cube uses Howler audio library.

Independent Audio

To play a sound or music, use AudioService.playAudio without specifying the first argument (channel):

AssetsService.getAudio(GameInfo.audio.bikeEngine).then(audio => {
  const audioContext = AudioService.playAudio(
    null, // NOTE Do not assign this audio clip to any channel
    true // NOTE Specify whether the audio should loop

  // NOTE You can control audio context directly using Howler API


Default Cube gives you access to two global audio channels. Audio channel can be assigned an audio clip, and whenever a new one is assigned - the old one is automatically removed.

AudioService.playAudio(AudioChannelEnums.global, forestMusicClip);

// NOTE AudioChannelEnums.ambient will automatically loop the audio clip
AudioService.playAudio(AudioChannelEnums.ambient, forestMusicClip);

Next: Debugging