Custom Properties List


Value: action id (string)

Assign a click action. See Actions & UI.


Value: node id (string)

Declare mesh to be an AI node. This removes the mesh from the scene. See AI.


Value: none

Declare mesh to be an AI spawn. This removes the mesh from the scene. See AI.


Value: animation id (string)

Assign a global animation script. See Controlling Animations.


Value: absolute offset (number or percentage suffixed with %) or variable (:variable:)

Align UI element to the bottom of the screen. See UI Alignment.


Value: none

Save mesh material to AssetsService. Material can be retrieved in-code using AssetsService.getMaterial(materialName). Material is disposed on scene change.


Value: camera id (string)

Declare mesh to be a camera. This removes the mesh from the scene. See Camera.


Scale mesh to cover the entire screen based on camera position and FOV. This effect is continuous and may affect performance.

Note: If fullscreenOffset is not defined, object will be scaled continously. This may severely affect framerate.


Value: constant offset (number)

Offset at which camera is assumed to be located.


Value: none

Preserve scale ratio when applying fullscreen effect.


Value: game object id (string)

Declare mesh to be a game object. See Game Objects.


Value: value (string) or variable (:variable:)

Show mesh only if value is truthy.


Value: value (string) or variable (:variable:)

Show mesh only if value is falsy.


Value: text (string) or variable (:variable:)

Declare mesh to be a label placeholder. This removes the mesh from the scene. See Actions & UI.


Value: font id (string)

Assign font family to a label. Font must be defined using GameInfoService.font. Falls back to GameInfoService.config.fonts.default.


Value: font size (number)

Define font size for label. Default is 1.0.


Value: left, center, right

Define font alignment for label. Default is center.


Value: color (string, prefixed with #)

Define font color for label. Default is #ffffff. Color value must be compatible with Three.Color.


Value: color (string, prefixed with #)

Define outline color for label. If not defined, outline is not added. Color value must be compatible with Three.Color.


Value: absolute offset (number or percentage suffixed with %) or variable (:variable:)

Align UI element to the left of the screen. See UI Alignment.


Value: material id (string) or variable (:variable:)

Assign material to mesh. Material must be defined using AssetsService.saveMaterial or cacheMaterial.

Value: none

Declare mesh to be a navmap. This removes the mesh from the scene. See Views & Scenes and Physics.

Value: absolute offset (number or percentage suffixed with %) or variable (:variable:)

Align UI element to the right of the screen. See UI Alignment.

Value: navpath id (string)

Declare mesh to be a navpath. See SceneService.parseScene#navpath. If defined, mesh is only added to the scene if value matches the current parseScene navpath value.

rotateX / Y / Z

Value: angular velocity (number)

Rotate mesh.


Value: scroll container id (number)

Assign mesh to a scroll container. Meshes in a container can be scrolled by panning.


Value: shader id (string)

Assign shader to mesh. Shader must be defined using GameInfoService.shader.


Value: basic, normal, depth, lambert, phong, standard, physical, toon, matcap (string) or variable (:variable:)

Convert default MeshStandardMaterial to another material type.


Value: none

Declare mesh to be a slideshow. Slideshow mesh UV map is split into X/Y panels and shifts over time. Requires either slidesX or slidesY.


Value: slide count (number)

Amount of horizontal UV slides. Default is 1.0;


Value: slide count (number)

Amount of vertical UV slides. Default is 1.0;


Value: surface id (string)

Declare mesh to be of specific surface type. Surface handler must be registered using PhysicsService.registerSurfaceHandler. See Physics.


Value: absolute offset (number or percentage suffixed with %) or variable (:variable:)

Align UI element to the top of the screen. See UI Alignment.